Yunpeng Liu received his Bachelor degree in forestry from Beijing Forestry University in 2012, and then study for the master degree in ecology at Peking University. Yunpeng Liu is broadly interested in plant richness patterns and their determinants. During the period of undergraduate, he worked on 1) Relationship between submerged plant richness and freshwater ecosystem functioning. 2) Determinants and richness patterns of Family Gesneriaceae in China. Currently, he is primarily working on difference process on shaping richness patterns among herbaceous and woody plants.
Liu YP, Shen ZH, Wang QG, Su XY, Zhang WJ, Shrestha N, Xu XT and Wang ZH. 2016. Determinants of richness patterns differ between rare and common species: implications for Gesneriaceae conservation in China. Diversity and Distributions (under review)